The Backbone Trail is a 7.8 mile trek through the pine forests of Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana. You’ll enjoy hilly but relatively easy terrain, aside from the occasional steep climb or descent every now and then.
There’s a lot of variety to the trail, starting with open woods and scenic overlooks. The overlooks are set up with rock firepits with views of huge rolling hills covered by pine forests. In the deeper valleys the forest it’s cool and shady, and there’s freshwater streams to refill your water. Don’t forget your filter!
There’s an additional 2 miles of walking the road back to the trailhead equally 9.8 miles total. If you could manage bringing two vehicles, I recommend taking the extra 5 minutes to leave a vehicle at the end of the trail.
There’s lots of interesting mushrooms along the trail, including the choice edible Chanterelles.
These spiders make some spooky lairs in side of fallen trees.
The paper wasps thrive out here.
The night skies in Kisatchie are some of the best in Louisiana.